Playing card games can be defined as America’s pastime. When there was no internet or visual entertainment around, people would gather around a table and play a game of cards. While there are still many people around who still do this, we often stick to the few games we know and enjoy. Everyone is guilty of it.
Although straying away from the games we know, can bring a newfound sense of enjoyment in card games. 2 card games we have found to be pretty underrated are Euchre and Canasta.
Euchre’s history is pretty unclear, all we really know is that it started in North America around the 19th Century originally called “Juckerspiel.” It was then carried over into what we know it as now by German-Speaking Immigrants. Euchre is more popular in the midwest than anywhere else.
Euchre’s dealing is very unique. First of all, you want to get rid of cards 8 and lower, you won’t need em’. When played with 4 players you can deal 2 cards to player 1, 3 cards to player 2, 2 cards to player 3, and 3 to yourself, then the opposite. 2 cards to the players who received 3, then 3 cards to the player who received 2. Everyone gets 5 cards, and you don’t have to deal 1 card at a time.
In this game, you play in 2 teams of 2. You must work together with your teammate to win, although you cannot talk to each other about your cards. Once everyone gets their cards, take the deck, place it in the middle and put a card face up. The person left of the dealer gets to chose if they want to establish Trump. Trump is establishing what suit ranks the highest. If no one chooses the face-up card as trump, the player left of the dealer gets to establish what suit will be trump.
Once the first card has been placed down, everyone must follow suit if possible. Whoever places down the highest-ranking card that round, wins.
This is a rough description of gameplay. A more in-depth video can be found here.
When taking score in Euchre, you use the 4 and 6 cards. When a team scores a point, you uncover a suit on the card, first to uncover all 10, wins. Winning specific rounds is what will gain you points. You can also gain points by going loner.
Euchre can sound pretty confusing, although after a few games you will start to get the hang of it.
Canasta originated in Uruguay, although its popularity grew in America around the 1950s.
This game is played with 2 decks of cards including 4 jokers. Similar to Euchre, it is played with 4 players, with 2 teams of 2. The dealer will give out 11 cards to each player, dealing 1 card at a time. When all players have 11 cards, place the remaining cards in the middle and flip the top card over.
In Canasta your goal is to create melds. Melds are groups of 3 or more cards with the same number or face. Although before your turn starts if you are dealt or draw any card that is red 3, you must place it down. These will generate points for you later on.
In the deck there are jokers and 2’s, these cards will be your wild cards, meaning, they can be added to any meld (although the meld cannot have more wildcards than actual cards).
After the player has started a meld or added to an existing meld they can draw from the discard pile. If you cannot form a meld, you can draw from the top of the deck. A player’s turn will end once they have discarded a card, when this is done, place it face-up on the discard pile.
This is a rough description of gameplay. A more in-depth video can be found here.
When you have a meld of 7 or more cards this is called a “Canasta.” This is your main goal and the main way to score points. Although you can score points with card values, Canastas, red 3’s, and going out. Going out occurs when you get a Canasta, then get rid of all of your cards.
Plastic Playing Cards
When playing card games like these you are likely to get pretty involved. Whether you are playing with a group of friends or having a relaxed double date. This is why we highly recommend using plastic playing cards that are made out of 100% plastic. That way you will never have to totally stop a game if a spill occurs.
If you would like to see our cards, go here .
If not, go grab a deck of cards (or 2), grab some friends, and start a game!